Operation Allies Refuge underway at Rhine Ordnance Barracks; preparations at Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels

Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Germany

The units, garrisons and personnel of U.S. Army Europe and Africa have made Operation Allies Refuge our number one priority. From food and showers to security and temporary housing, we are working hard to take care of evacuees. This is a very complex operation, and none of it would be possible without the support of our host nations. It's a testament to the importance of our alliances and partnerships. I'm very proud of the support we've provided so far, and we will not rest until the mission is complete.
By U.S. Army Europe and Africa United States European Command Rhine Ordnance Barracks,Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels Aug 24, 2021
Gallery contains 2 images

Evacuees from Afghanistan began arriving at Rhine Ordnance Barracks (Kaiserslautern) today as part of Operation Allies Refuge.

Approximately 2,000 people can be temporarily housed at Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

Additionally, Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels training areas are in preparation to receive evacuees if needed. Those locations can temporarily house approximately 3,000 and 2,000 people respectively.

U.S. Army Europe and Africa is working hand-in-hand with the German government and interagency partners to provide temporary lodging, food, medical services, hygiene kits, latrines, cots and bedding. All locations will utilize COVID-19 mitigation measures to include use of face coverings, appropriate distancing of temporary lodging and medical assessments.

"Like many who served in Afghanistan, this mission is very personal to me," said Gen. Christopher Cavoli, U.S. Army Europe and Africa commander. "The units, garrisons and personnel of U.S. Army Europe and Africa have made Operation Allies Refuge our number one priority. From food and showers to security and temporary housing, we are working hard to take care of evacuees. This is a very complex operation, and none of it would be possible without the support of our host nations. It's a testament to the importance of our alliances and partnerships. I'm very proud of the support we've provided so far, and we will not rest until the mission is complete."

Operation Allies Refuge is facilitating the quick, safe evacuation of U.S. citizens, Special Immigrant Visa applicants and other at-risk Afghans from Afghanistan. This initiative follows through on America’s commitment to Afghan citizens who have helped the United States, and provides them essential support at secure locations, where they and their families can complete the SIV process safely.

Media interested in covering U.S. Army Europe and Africa support to Operation Allies Refuge should contact the following:

  • For Rhine Ordnance Barracks – usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.21-tsc.list.pao@mail.mil  
  • For Grafenwoehr or Hohenfels Training Areas – usarmy.bavaria.id-europe.list.pao@mail.mil  
  • For general media queries - USArmyEurope.MediaDesk@mail.mil

Photos and videos of Operation Allies Refuge are available for download and use by the media at https://www.dvidshub.net/feature/eucomafgevac.

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