The 49th Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise, the premier maritime-focused exercise in the Baltic Region, takes place in the Baltic Sea from June 7-16. Air and maritime assets from NATO allies and partner nations are involved in the live training events.

By U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa / U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs LISBON, Portugal Jun 01, 2020
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The 49th Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise, the premier maritime-focused exercise in the Baltic Region, takes place in the Baltic Sea from June 7-16. Air and maritime assets from NATO allies and partner nations are involved in the live training events.

Training focus areas include air defense, anti-submarine warfare, maritime interdiction, and mine countermeasures operations.

The exercise enhances flexibility and interoperability among allied and partner nations to strengthen combined response capabilities, as well as demonstrate international resolve to ensure stability in, and if necessary defend, the Baltic Sea region.

BALTOPS 2020 involves participation from 19 nations.  The 17 NATO and 2 partner nations will provide 29 maritime units, 29 aircraft, and 3,000 personnel.

The participating nations are: Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the U.K., and the U.S.

To ensure the safety and health of participating military personnel, BALTOPS 2020 will take place exclusively at sea. This precaution allows units to enhance multinational operational cooperation, while ensuring that crews remain healthy, and ready to provide continuous regional security.

Initiated in the 1972, BALTOPS is an annual exercise that is a visible demonstration of NATO’s commitment to promote peace and security in the region by exercising the forces that can rapidly respond in a time of crisis.

Visit Naval Forces Europe for more information.

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