Chaplain Corps Supports USEUCOM Members during Pandemic

While COVID-19 social distancing requirements have disrupted many religious traditions, the new normal has not stopped faith leaders throughout the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) theater from serving their congregations

By U.S. European Command Public Affairs United States European Command Stuttgart, Germany Apr 20, 2020
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While COVID-19 social distancing requirements have disrupted many religious traditions, the new normal has not stopped faith leaders throughout the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) theater from serving their congregations.

Chaplains and enlisted religious support personnel are committed to providing members and families across the commands with encouragement and pastoral care. 

“Throughout USEUCOM, chaplains have been calling individuals who have tested positive and must stay home to shield themselves and protect the larger population,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Kleet A. Barclay, command chaplain for USEUCOM. “Some installations have even delivered goody bags to personnel whose movement has been restricted. The creativity and ingenuity of what is happening across the theater is truly uplifting. We are helping people feel remembered, supported and included despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.”

As parishioners are not allowed to gather and the world navigates pandemic life, Religious Support Offices (RSO) across the theater have refined how they continue to serve. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, RSOs have replaced the canceled regular services with virtual worship and program offerings.

“Althugh we miss physically attending chapel, we have enjoyed delving deeper into Bible readings and online sermons,” said Stuttgart parishioner Meg Hewes.

According to religious leaders, virtual attendance numbers have been encouraging. The same plans that proved successful for Passover and Easter Sunday observances are now in motion to observe Ramadan for military communities across the theater.

Technological expansion has allowed the Chaplain Corps to continue to provide religious offerings, connectedness, spiritual resiliency and fellowship. On April 13, the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s Ready and Resilient program held its first virtual session with chaplains and other providers, garnering more than 9,000 views.

“We are grateful we are able to continue offering worship experiences through online sources,” said Barclay. “Overall, the feedback is positive regarding online worship, and there is a spiritual and moral strength that is gained by being side-by-side with likeminded people that can be hard to achieve remotely. Using virtual services has been a great way to bridge the gap created by the current inability to congregate.” 

In addition to virtual experiences, multiple military chapels are delivering care packages to single service members and spouses of deployed members.

“The 86th Airlift Wing Chapel at Ramstein Air Base has been delivering 150 meals each week through the ‘Quarantine Canteen,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Trent C. Davis, command chaplain for U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Force Africa. “Through this initiative, the chapel has prepared care packages for delivery to single Airmen and the families of deployed members in our community. They have also delivered free takeout meals from a local restaurant to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center staff and community.”

The 100th Air Refueling Wing at RAF Mildenhall has also been providing meals to single Airmen, Davis noted.

Many chplains across the command’s area of responsibility are creating weekly spiritual or motivational thoughts to share online and through email. Additionally, some installations provide support through online Bible studies, classes, relationship development courses and youth programs.

In addition to religious support and meals, RSOs are also making themselves available for counseling services over the phone and online. According to Barclay, RSOs are equipped to recommend and refer resources for a variety of counseling needs.  

“The chaplain still has the same requirement to keep counseling matters 100% confidential,” Barclay explained. “It is just a matter of ensuring that the online media source can ensure that same level privacy.”

For current information regarding offerings and support, check installation websites, as religious support programs will vary between locations across the command.

USEUCOM is responsible for U.S. military operations across Europe, portions of Asia and the Middle East, the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean. USEUCOM is comprised of approximately 72,000 military and civilian personnel, and works closely with NATO Allies and partners. The command is one of two U.S. forward-deployed geographic combatant commands headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. For more information about USEUCOM, visit

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