U.S. and Turkey Move Forward to Secure Northeast Syria

U.S. and Turkish forces are working in close-cooperation to establish sustainable security in northeast Syria. As part of this effort, both forces conducted the seventh combined joint aerial overflight to monitor the progress of the implementation of the security mechanism zone, September 28, 2019.

ANKARA, Turkey Sep 29, 2019

U.S. and Turkish forces are working in close-cooperation to establish sustainable security in northeast Syria. As part of this effort, both forces conducted the seventh combined joint aerial overflight to monitor the progress of the implementation of the security mechanism zone, September 28, 2019.

“We are working to address fortifications, heavy weapons and fighters of particular concern to our Turk allies,” said Brigadier General Christian Wortman, U.S. Director for the Combined Joint Operation Center-Akçakale. “Turkey is an important and long-standing NATO ally.  Our strategic relationship with Turkey and their security concerns are important to us.”   

The U.S. and Turkey militaries continue to engage in an open dialogue and facilitate coordinated actions to secure the border area in a supportable manner, ensure campaign continuity in the global coalition’s efforts to defeat ISIS, and limit any uncoordinated military operations that would undermine this shared interest.

“The key to success in continued cooperation and building on lessons learned,” said Wortman. “The United States is fully committed to addressing the conditions of concern to Turkey and to fully implementing the security mechanism. This is hard work and it’s a complex and challenging environment, so doing this properly and effectively is going to take time.”


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